I enter the door to start the journey. Not really sure what I was expecting exactly, but not this. I’d expected beautiful, how could I not, I’d seen her pictures, but she is definitely, instantly, and unmistakably more beautiful than I could have imagined. Beautiful, in an almost other-worldly sense.

We chat for a minute, she talks, she explains the first things that are going to happen. This continues as the session evolves. I’m never “told” to do something, its more just a constant explanation of what is going to happen. A subtle and intoxicating slide into submission. We chat more, and I talk, more than I ever normally do, about things I never normally talk about. She’s calm and in control, and I’ve only just met her – but i trust her with my boundaries, and with my thoughts. The session continues, and its hard to explain. There isn’t one thing that stands out, because there was never just one thing happening. Different sensations, different feelings, and different emotions – constantly cresting and declining at different timbres and tempos. I lose track of pleasure and pain, of up and down, of pretty much everything.

Then as I think the session is winding down, it changes directions again, it’s equal parts confusing and exhilarating. I get completely lost in the session, but know afterwards, that I’ve found a guide for a journey i’m excited about.